Common Sense?

23 Jun 2011 by Radioactive Runner, 4 Comments »

Good news in the house today ladies and gents! Yesterday morning when I was on my run, it was the first time in awhile that I felt like a runner again. It was a good feeling! As I was lacing up my shoes it started pouring out, but that didn’t stop me from getting a good 30 minute run in. I kept a good pace throughout and despite the rain, I really enjoyed it. I was thinking back to a couple weeks ago when I would opt out of a run when it was raining out… times are a changing!

When I got home, my shoes were soaking wet. I didn’t think they would be dry for today’s run, so I used the old trick and stuffed my them with newspaper. Changed the damp newspaper for some new before I went to bed and voila! They were dryer than ever this morning. Works like a charm!

Another little trick: if you have an avocado or piece of fruit that isn’t ripe yet but you want to eat it… just wrap it in newspaper and it will ripen a lot faster. Works every time.


It’s a beautiful day out today… although very hot and humid! I was out the door by 7:30am and had a great 10km run.

trying to wake up before heading out the door

My calfs felt a bit tight at certain points throughout but that has been the case the last few times I’ve ran. It was HOT out. I was sweating buckets by the time I finished and drank every last drop of my water.

holy bananas, my face was red.

I never used to run with a water bottle but since I bought this handy belt, I feel naked if I run without it – or like I’m going to die of thirst. With this humidity, I could use a big Culligan water jug and it still wouldn’t be enough.


Let’s talk about something for a minute…

Have you had a dog run at you while out for a run?

At one point when I was running down a nice residential area, I saw a man (in his housecoat) up ahead with his dog running loose. I specifically crossed the road hoping to make it by without having to stop because of the dog. Well guess what… The dog (while barking) runs right towards me and continues to circle me. Obviously, I stop because I don’t want it to chase me. I’m scared of big dogs and I especially don’t appreciate them when they interrupt my runs. The owner did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. He was just laughing and calling his dog (who clearly WAS not obeying). I started to walk away and the dog would continue to bark and circle me. I was SO MAD and I’m sure I showed it. The owner chuckled “Oh my wife runs, he just wants to run with you”. Well guess what SIR, I don’t want to run with your dang dog and I bet your wife wouldn’t appreciate it if a strange dog was a) slowing her down and b) barking right at her. After about a good 3 minutes, I finally said ” Can you PLEASE come and get your dog?”.

Tell me… is it not COMMON SENSE to at least hold your dog’s collar as runners/cyclists/pedestrians/whoever, passes by? Maybe others would just keep on going but I was clearly scared of the dog. This isn’t the first time this has happened and I’m sure it’s not the last. It just seems to be getting worse and people less considerate when walking their dogs. I love dogs (just not big ones) but I don’t love when they come running at me. Am I over-reacting? I don’t think so. How do you feel about this issue?!

I made some of my favorite salsa last night. Ok, minus a few ingredients that I didn’t have… but these Tostitos definitely made up for the missing ingredients. They are AMAZING and my new favorite. Go and try them!


Go and check out Janae’s – The Hungry Runner Girl AWESOME GIVEAWAY  HERE !!!


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  1. lindsay says:

    WOohoo! congrats on a solid run! Feels good to be back. And yes, I’ve had a dog chase before. Lets just say that not how I wanted my speed intervals to go. haha.

  2. Samantha says:

    You are absolutely not over reacting. If you have a leash law in your town, I’d have a nice chat with the owner and tell him that while it’s great their dog is so friendly, you aren’t a fan of dogs, especially ones you don’t know. Inform him of your local leash ordinances and that if it happens again you will call animal control. Typically it will get the point across. Also, with most dogs, if you stop and use a loud, stern voice and tell them “go home” or “Go on” they’ll leave. Don’t run, they will chase. :) I can’t stand irresponsible dog owners.

  3. Jena says:

    I hate it when dogs run at me and won’t leave me alone. Thankfully most of the people around here hold their dogs..most. Some don’t. Some have electric fences, and I don’t trust those things.

    I hate it when people don’t walk their dogs on a leash, but whatever.

    Definitely don’t think you are over reacting.

  4. […] week I mentioned some good news. Well today I have more good news. I can feel myself getting back in shape and that is such a good […]

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