Better late than never

10 Apr 2012 by Radioactive Runner, 11 Comments »

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend!

It was beautiful outside for the most part and G-Man and I took full advantage of it. Friday morning we had an E-Session in a different city. There was a road race going on right around the corner, so I was a little jealous that I wasn’t running too, however, I had fun cheering for the runners before the shoot. We got quite a bit of exercise during the session as we walked through a Botanical Garden for over two hours.

Saturday morning, I woke up early and had an AWESOME 15km run. I had a total runners high afterwards and felt so good to start my morning off by hitting the pavement. I saw quite a few other runners and walkers out enjoying the beautiful morning which I always find so motivating!

G-Man and I hit up the market afterwards and it was SO busy! I really wanted some fresh asparagus.. bit it turned out not being that tasty though.

I feel like I was an eating machine this weekend and definitely lived up to my nickname. Of course when we went to  Costco, there were hundreds of samples…obviously that’s the best part! It was a madhouse and I forgot my camera but let me tell you there was lots of treats. Ice cream and Krispy Kreme donuts may or may not have been consumed as well.. too bad there is no picture, so you will never know :) Ok, I totally did eat them and I’m kicking myself now. Krispy Kreme donuts are seriously the worst thing ever (actually they are really freaking good but I’m talking health wise) and are SO fattening.

We went for a drive along the Niagara Parkway and really enjoyed some quality time together  radio-active-runnerradioactive-runnerradioactive-runnerAfter a relaxing weekend, it was time to get my sweat on and did it ever feel good! I had planned on going for a run yesterday but wimped out because of the wind. I put together two workouts and here is what they looked like:

Easter Buns Burner

Two rounds – full out! Gymboss set to 6 rounds of 35 seconds with a 10 second rest between each move.

~ warm up – jumping jacks
~ crab toe touches
~ lunge with leg kick (R)
~ lunge with leg kick (L)
~ dead man burpees
~ walk out push-up
~ squat with press up (10lb dumbbells)
~ cool down: jumping jacks

* to start, I did jumping jacks until I could feel my heart rate increase and then cool down for about a minute

It doesn’t look like a lot but I gave it my all and it was a GREAT workout.

Push it – TRX  Style

~ 20 squats
~ 20 one legged squats (R)
~ 20 one legged squats (L)
~ 20 back rows
~ 20 deltoid T fly
~ 20 hamstring curl
~ 20 chest press
suspended plank – hold it as long as you can!
~ 20 suspended crunches
~ 20 oblique with knee tuck (R)
~ 20 oblique with knee tuck (L)

This morning I ran 8km to shake out from yesterday.. my body was sore.. but a good sore! radio-active-runner-morning-runO.M.G. my face is getting so wrinkly…  as much as I don’t like it, I think it may be time to break out a hat to keep the sun out of my eyes while running so I don’t squint so much and hopefully wrinkles too. Please go along with it and tell me it will work.
So six hours later and this post is still open and not uploaded..better late than never eh. Just pretend you are reading this earlier in the day, k? Thanks! Looking forward to catching up in blog land and read about your adventures from the weekend.

~ Run hard, eat well, live better!


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  1. Bonnie says:

    Great recap! Love the runner’s high you felt and what a great run! Now, let me tell you some truths: no worries about the Krispy Kreme donut – I know how it feels to overindulge and it’s not the best, but you’ll get back on track and no worries! :D I’ve been there this past week myself. ;) Also, wrinkly? No way! I know it’s not about looks, but you do look beautiful, trim, and fit! And I miss you. I think that covers about everything. :) Have a great week! Glad you had a good Easter my friend.

    • Sabrina says:

      Thanks, Bonnie.. you’re too kind! You’re right.. the main thing is that we get back on track but sometimes it’s tough not to be so hard on ourselves, eh? I’m trying not to and pushing through it :)

      I miss you too!!

  2. lindsay says:

    oh yes, runners high. glorious! love the workouts, i must try these in the future Sabrina. thanks!

    love the Gman and you in that pic.

  3. Ali Mc says:

    that looks like a super nice weekend – I love the pic of you both together. cute.

    and HOLY MOLY workouts! I’m going to do those today!

    I miss running soooooooo much. I won’t find out if/when I can run till Monday.

    • Sabrina says:

      Good luck.. and keep me posted. I hope you get the answers you want. Take the time you need to heal and you will be back running before you know it!

      Let me know what you think of the workouts!

  4. oh man, looks like u guys had so much fun!! okay, back to the KK donut thing, my motto is: “run hard, eat hard” , girl we SWEAT our buns off enough to where we deserve those rewards…all in moderation. :)

    that said, i’m all about the running so great to meet a fellow mile/km-a-holic. :)

  5. […] sun was shining, it was a beautiful day and I was ready to move! I did two rounds, full out of the Easter Buns Burner and then went for a a speedy 8km run. I NEVER run in the afternoon so I wasn’t expecting […]

  6. Jan says:

    I love a good “good sore”. The third picture is adorable–love it!

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