Let’s talk about something for a minute…
Have you ever scared someone while running? You know,.. you go to pass a person walking and although you give them a heads up, they don’t hear you because they have their headphones on and music blaring? That has happened to me many of times. Normally if someone is ahead of me, I will either say "runner on the left" or "runner on the right" and pass them. When I was nearing the end of my run on Thursday, I was coming up to a girl waiting for the bus, her back was to me and then she moved to the middle of the sidewalk and was blocking the entire walkway, unaware that I was coming. Well, once I got fairly close to her (this happened quickly) I said "excuse me" at least twice. Anyways, she jumped and screamed (because I obviously startled her), I didn’t stop and say sorry because well, I was motoring along and there really wasn’t a reason to apologize. Don’t people understand that it can be dangerous to be completely engrossed in their music, unaware of their surroundings and the things going on around them? TURN YOUR MUSIC DOWN PEOPLE or at least take ONE headphone out so you can hear what’s going on around you. I find it SO frustrating!!! Just recently, a teenage boy was hit by a train and died. Why? because he had his headphones on and wasn’t paying attention. Be considerate of those around you by being more aware of what’s going on…. SERIOUSLY!
Ok, I’m done…. Anyways…
Yesterday, I hit the gym for an easy workout. Thirty minutes on the elliptical, some stretching and a bit of abs. I was happy with that as I had to force myself to go. Every little bit counts, right?! I ran long today with the Runner’s Edge crew and it felt sooooo good! In the beginning, I was a little worried because my legs felt really tight but thankfully they loosened up and I was able to find my groove. It was a HILLY route today but that’s okay, it was a nice change and so beautiful out; a light snow fall from last night, the sun was shining and there was only a light wind. I ran with my running buddy from last year and it was so great to run with him again and catch up. Thanks for a great run, Anthony! There were times where I definitely felt tired but we pushed through and man did it feel good. Considering how awful my last few runs have gone, I was sooooo happy with todays run and felt so accomplished for running [26.35km] strong! What better way than to start out a Saturday… spending time with great people, running – that not only helps my body but clears my mind, and taking advantage of the beautiful Region we live in. I love it!
I came home wanting to have some form of protein but knew I couldn’t stomach a green shake like I normally do, so I opted for some cottage cheese, strawberries and added a teaspoon of dulce de leche for some sweetness. YUM! This was my first time trying this combination and it was TASTY!
How did you start out YOUR weekend?!
Do you run/walk with headphones or what’s your opinion on this topic?
~ Run hard, eat well and live better!
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