I am VERY happy to say that I had a great run this morning! I ran 10.3km/ 53:49 minutes. I was determined to get a decent run in. I changed up my route a bit and ran a moderately hilly course. I must say, my body was sooo sore though from my workout yesterday. It hurts even to hold the telephone to my ear. Not. exaggerating. at. all. Seriously! Yesterday, I did an intense 40 minute workout on my TRX followed by Yoga Meltdown with the one and only Jillian. I was tired out but on a HIGH from such an awesome workout!!
I’ve heard many times that exercising is supposed to give you more energy. Do you feel like you have more energy after working out? I know that I definitely don’t. I’m ready for a nap about an hour after my run and I don’t just feel, “oh, I’m tired, I better have a nap”, I mean “Wow, I can’t stop head bobbing and can’t function or get anything done without a nap”. I am the type of person that NEEDS sleep and can’t function if I don’t get enough. PS: I went to bed at 9pm last night… I’m a Granny, I know. Before my diagnosis when I was sick, I would sleep for hours at a time during the day.. but ever since my surgery.. well, I can still sleep for hours on end. My power naps are at least an hour long. I don’t understand how some people CAN’T nap! They are totally missing out. So, I guess my point is… [most days], I don’t agree that exercising GIVES you energy. I guess that’s my point anyway….
I wish I had something really exciting to tell you like that we’re going to Cuba or to South Korea for a year to teach english *cough cough G-Man* but I don’t. So instead, I’ll share some pictures from the cottage since I miss it so much and you can see just how really cool I am *cough cough again*
I was scared of the grey birds... they would just dive bomb you for food!!
Ok, I was REALLY scared of them... My Mom had to hold my hand still.
I finally fed them myself.. with gloves on!
- I wish I could tell you that I made this face for the picture only…
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